2011-2012 - Student of the Year
William (Bill) Way - 2012 Student of the Year - Mountaineer Karate Club

William C. Way was awarded the 2012 West Virginia Student of the Year at the AKS Fall Seminar held October 27, 2012, in West Virginia. William (Bill) retired after 36 years as a band director in the Harrison County Schools. His bands consistently received superior ratings while playing music of grades 5 & 6 (6 being the most difficult on a 1 to 6 scale) and performed numerous times at Disney World and Epcot.

When Bill first started attending college, he joined a karate class for a short time. In those days, karate classes had a tremendous amount of physical contact without protective gear, and injuries occurred quite often. Bill felt he could not take any chances on an injury that may damage his ability to play trumpet or interrupt his planned profession. I encouraged Bill for many years to come work out with us. I explained that we were all there to learn, to individually develop ourselves to be our best, and that we all worked together like a family. After retiring he decided to give us a try.

Bill has become one of our most dedicated and hardest working students. He arrives to class consistently early, warms up, practices his techniques, is attentive to instruction, and always asks for ways to improve. Bill's dedication does not stop when class is over. He practices every day, reads, studies, and researches on the internet striving to expand his martial arts knowledge and improve his skills. One day when Bill agreed to come over and watch my furry children (4 dogs and 2 cats) while I was away, I received a call from a friend that works next door. He said, "Do you know there is a guy in your yard doing some kind of routine with a long stick?" I laughed and said, "Yeah, that's Bill practicing his Bo Katas."

Along with Bill's martial arts training, he is an expert fly tyer, rod builder and fly fisherman. I feel very fortunate to have such a good friend, dedicated student, and fine example for our younger students to look up to.

E. Jude Gore, 6th Dan AKS

Kristyn Reinecke 2012 Student of the Year from Muskegon Community College Karate Club

Kristyn Reinecke was promoted to 1st Degree Black Belt during the 2012 AKS Summer Camp.  Kristyn was also presented with a plaque recognizing her for her outstanding dedication and hard work as AKS Student of the Year for 2012.

Following in the footsteps of her father (Fred Reinecke), Kristyn took on a heavy training schedule at three different schools and competed in several tournaments, walking away with trophies while representing the A.K.S. in women's fighting and kata (both empty hand and weapons). The award was presented to her by her father who could hardly keep his pride in her accomplishments hidden.

On behalf of the members of the AKS – Congratulations and Well Done!

Michael A. Sullenger 9th Dan
Chief Instructor A.K.S.

Miki Gain 2011 Student of the Year from Salem Karate Club in West Virginia

Miki M. Gain was selected as Salem Karate Club's 2011 Student of the Year at the Fall Seminar in West Virginia this past November.

Miki remembers always being fascinated by the martial arts; even as early as 6 years old while growing up in Nebraska and Wyoming. Watching movies such as Fist of Fury, and TV shows like the series Kung Fu, had her begging her parents to let her take karate. But there were no classes anywhere near their home.

When Miki was around 13 years old, a very frightening altercation with a stranger made a definite impression and intensified her desire to learn self defense. Unfortunately, it wasn't until she went to college at the University of Wyoming that she was able to finally study martial arts, taking a Shotokan class on campus.

Years later after getting married, starting a family, and moving to West Virginia, Miki searched on-line for local karate clubs and found the Clarksburg Karate Academy, headed by Anthony Wright. She and her daughter studied there two years until the class shut down. Miki then heard that Sensei Folsom was accepting new students at the Salem Karate Club and signed up her daughter, Taylor, and herself for classes. Although her daughter has decided to pursue other interests for now, Miki continues to train regularly.

Miki is an extremely reliable and enthusiastic student; even traveling nearly twelve miles to train with the Mountaineer Karate Club during the summer. Miki loves to help teach the younger students, always willing to assist in any way she can. She loves attending the seminars and having the opportunity to meet and learn from all the instructors in the AKS.

Miki stated it best when speaking of the AKS. "Being connected is so important! There is something about knowing I'm part of this awesome karate family that makes it all so much more relevant and fulfilling. It may have taken the better part of 40 years, but I feel like I've come home."

Congratulations, Miki, on your well deserved award!

E. Jude Gore 5th Dan / American Karate System

2011 A.K.S. Student of the Year

Samuel Blood has been nominated as Toledo's student of the year for 2011. Sam was presented his award at this year's Toledo seminar on May 21, 2011.

As Mr. Sullenger was describing the award and what it signifies before announcing the winner, I couldn't help but notice Sam's attentiveness and then glancing at the other attendees at the seminar. You could see the look that said, "I wonder who it is this year?" As Mr. Sullenger said, "Samuel Blood," Sam displayed a complete look of surprise! You could tell he wasn't expecting to hear his name. In just a few seconds, his reactions confirmed to me why he was chosen.

Sam is someone who has always worked hard, showed diligence and never expected more than he gave. It is very difficult to blend confidence with humility but he has managed to find the balance of the two. I have watched Sam grow into a karateka that others in class tend to look up to and follow as he shares his time, talent and thoughts with those both younger and older. He is always inquisitive and looking to learn something new. He realizes that results come from staying focused, giving great effort, and not getting caught up in expectations (this explains his look of surprise). Sam understands that giving one's best is all that matters.

Sam has earned this award. He and his family should be very proud.

Rand Palmer 5th Dan / American Karate System

Kim Bremer -2011 A.K.S. Student of the Year

Mrs. Kimberly Bremer was awarded Student of the Year at our July Summer Camp this year. Mrs. Bremer is a 5th Grade Green Belt at the Tri-Cities YMCA in Grand Haven. Mrs. Bremer and her family were on vacation during our summer camp so Mr. Ray Sinclair, AKS 4th Dan, accepted the award in her place

Kimberly was one of our first continuous students, and enjoyed it so much she recruited her husband, Aaron, and her son, Will, to start training. She is an excellent student who trains hard in every class. She has also been a great ambassador for the class by promoting our program to other Y members. She has encouraged a number of other women to join her in class.

Mrs. Bremer does a remarkable job of juggling her responsibilities as a wife, mother of three small children, and her career as an IT Manager for JSJ Corporation. She still makes every class and helps Mr. Thomas with warm-ups and teaching the newer students. Kimberly Bremer is a real asset to our Tri-Cities YMCA karate family.

Congratulations Mrs. Bremer on your well deserved award!

Dave Thomas 8th Dan / American Karate System